The purpose of this podcast is to help you find hope and healing as you learn how to anchor into Jesus in the storms of life. How to place healthy boundaries in relationships, recover from past hurts and heal from the Loss of a loved one! Learn to live a life of joy and victory despite your circumstances. Join Katie on a journey of soul restoration as you find purpose from your pain and walk in freedom as you grow in intimacy in your relationship to God! So pull your hair back, strap on your favorite boots and grab your Bible and let’s weather this storm my friend!
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
How God’s plan to grow us can often be painful but ultimately what we need to thrive!
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
In today’s episode we are talking about two things! First, how even ministries that God calls us to can become idols in our lives if we begin to find our identity or purpose in the ministry itself over the one it’s designed to draw people too!
And second, what happens when that ministry experiences a hardship? How can we begin to see God in the details, trusting that sometimes what looks like a setback is often a set up for something even greater! When we surrender it all to Him we can trust that anything that happens can be used as part of his plan to grow you and help you thrive!
Now available- “How to Reduce Anxiety and Find Peace” online course!
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
How our need for approval from people can become an idol and lead to compromise!
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Today we are looking at the idol of approval. Do you struggle to find your worth in what other people think of you? If you’re being honest with yourself does it shape the way you look or dress, maybe how you make decisions, work, or even the things you buy?
Desiring words of affirmation from people you love and respect is not a a bad thing, it’s a normal human desire but it can become an idol when it begins to define WHO we are. When we start to worry more about what people say then what God says in our lives it can often lead to compromise!
Contact me- katie@anchoredinalways.com
Community- https://bit.ly/Anchoredin
Website- https://anchoredinalways.com/
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Soul Healing, wholeness and redemption from sin or a broken marriage!
Contact me- katie@anchoredinalways.com
Community- https://bit.ly/Anchoredin
Website- https://anchoredinalways.com/
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Self- sufficiency or this idea that we can manage on our own strength that we don’t need or we shouldn’t need someone to help us because we are strong enough on our own. If we’re being honest, we know that that is not true. So many of us find ourselves taking this message and striving to the point of exhaustion to build our lives or find success in ourselves and what we can accomplish in our own strength.
The Bible says that when I am weak then I am strong. Our lives were never intended to reflect us, but to reflect his power at work in our weakness. If we are constantly focusing on what we are capable of, we limit the opportunities to allow his strength and his power and glory to be reflected in our lives. So let’s chat about how this can become an idol in our lives.
Daily Grace Co. “More than Anything” study on idolatry plus many more resources!
Contact me- katie@anchoredinalways.com
Community- https://bit.ly/Anchoredin
Website- https://anchoredinalways.com/
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
When we begin to place our hope in the pursuit of health and wellness believing in the lie that to achieve it will bring us happiness and satisfaction completely it can become an idol for us.
So while eating healthy, exercising, therapy, meditation and so on are all beneficial to us we can’t depend on any of them as our source of happiness and fulfillment Indefinitely. How do we find the balance between taking care of ourselves and allowing it to overshadow our need for a deep relationship with God?
Contact me- katie@anchoredinalways.com
Community- https://bit.ly/Anchoredin
Website- https://anchoredinalways.com/
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
How do we find fulfillment in marriage without making it an idol?
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
I’ve had conversations with a number of women just in the last few weeks who are struggling in their marriages and feeling hopeless. Feeling like they can't fix their spouse and their marriage, so what can they do? How will they move forward and find joy still?
I know I've felt that way at low times in my own marriage.Feeling like I'm trying everything in my power to do the right thing and it's just not working.
If God wants us to respect our husbands and our husbands to love us fully and if marriage is the representation of Christ and his bride which is the church how do we keep it from becoming an idol, while still placing a priority on it of importance in our lives?
What happens when we expect each other to fill a void that only God can?
Contact me- katie@anchoredinalways.com
Community- https://bit.ly/Anchoredin
Website- https://anchoredinalways.com/
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
If you’re anything like me you may pack your day full, going from one thing to the next in a quest for fulfillment!
You keep working, hustling and striving, but still feeling like something’s missing. Why can’t I feel His presence or hear a Word from Him?
Maybe you haven’t created margin for rest and time to sit in His presence?
Let’s chat about it!
Contact me- katie@anchoredinalways.com
Community- https://bit.ly/Anchoredin
Website- https://anchoredinalways.com/
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
How the Idol of control sets you up for failure and disappointment!
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
How many times have you believed the lie that you were really in control? We want control, so we make our plans and depend on ourselves or sometimes other people to keep everything in order. But just think about it, just in the last few days in your own life how many things have happened outside of your control?
How does this become and idol for us and how do we learn to surrender it? What happens when we don’t and our plans don’t go the way we thought? Take a listen as we look at what the Word of God says!
Contact me- katie@anchoredinalways.com
Community- https://bit.ly/Anchoredin
Website- https://anchoredinalways.com/